Friday, January 31, 2014

I think that was pretty selfish of both parties, they were clearly his biggest fans. Besides how can you get mad at technology? I'm glad he didn't sue because he probably has more money than everybody he was gonna sue.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'm glad i don't download any game apps & if i was going to, now i have to think twice. How uncivilized of the NSA. I don't appreciate them taking advantage of us like that. I want to give them a piece of my mind!

Monday, January 27, 2014

I think it can be effective, but im not sure because I've never had the experience so i wouldn't know. Its a possibility that can be an efficient way to learn.

Friday, January 24, 2014

I found this blog quite inspiring because i am actually in a predicament in which i have a lot of catching up to do in order to graduate. Despite all the stuff on my plate i will do what i can to graduate. I refuse to become another statistic. So for all you under achievers out there, the fist step to concurring your achievements is accepting the fact that you are behind once you do that work towards over achieving and i promise you, you'll reach the other side.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I think my current technology class is efficient as far as learning about technology and computers, because i know more than ever thought i would know about computers. Yes, the US should invest more into technology classes because this is our generation the technology era.

Friday, January 17, 2014

I do not approve of such madness. I am not at all comfortable knowing that NSA has that type of access to us citizens. 200 million text messages. I mean come on now, lets get real who is seriously gonna read all those messages and if there is somebody out there that reads them i hope he/she/them has a purpose. I cant wait to hear my presidents speech on this topic.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hell yeah im nervous, pardon my french but it makes me skeptical about purchasing a pc now. NSA huh what does that really stand for (N)osey (S)uccessful (A)ssholes. When a computer is offline its basically off the map, well i thought until now. Kinda scary but i don't approve, but who cares this blog doesn't get any further then my technology teacher ;(
I think the best one is drone delivery, that'd be extremely cool. To see the adventures the drone has to go on just to get from point a to point b. You understand me?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Well now that its a relevant topic, I must say smartphone video's aren't the best in the world. In fact there quite adequate which is perfectly okay w. me, not at all saying that im fine w. adequacy because that would be false. As far as the smartphone companies adequacy in their product would be unacceptable. Or at least thats what i would expect. Maybe minor adjustments to the video rec. on smartphones should be something to consider investing in.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Telepresence is something i'm willing to learn more about. You can be at two places at the same time. Imagine you just waking up and you look at the clock, boom! class starts in 15 mins you decide to use your time wisely so you take a 10 min shower and school is 5 mins away but it didnt go as planned, you took 13 mins in the shower. There's only two mins before your late, what will you do, what can justify your tardiness. Then, you remember your latest gift... a telepresence. so you call your teacher via telepresence and your in class in the comfort of your home! How cool. A must have. Two thumbs up.

Friday, January 10, 2014

NSA is really pushing their luck is what it sounds to me. So let me get this straight the NSA are building a quantum computer to break the encryption that keeps messages secure. Wait so the government is now affiliated w. the hacking industry? & There dedicating 80 million more or less to develop a working quantum computer... Well, good luck Einstens!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

I can not wrap my head around the concept of driver-less cars, though the idea sounds bizarre, after reading the article it actually sounds cool. Driver-less cars are something I would like to see manifest. Despite the evidence to the contrary, i think accidents are prone to happen. Yes, they may decrease but i would rather be in control of the car when it crashes, rather than a computer. Ya feel me?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

3D food huh, I'm pretty skeptical about this idea. I think i'll just stick to the norm w. regular homeade food, as if it isn't  bad enough we're eating clone meat and processed food, but now printed 3d food... Count me out!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Robo bees are cool. You could use them for spying, also you could use it to see how great the robo bee really is. I would like a robo bee so i could scare people w. it.