Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Woah! So you mean to tell me this guy hacked into the governments system and stole some top secret classified information? Well in my opinion this guy is a evil genius and i need him to teach me a few things, but that's neither here nor there. Moreover, its not up to me to say what this man deserves, nope that would be judging and only god can do that.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Makes me wanna get more famliar w. my sciene and math skills. I honestly cant get jiggy w. these blogs anymore Sanders. GIVE BETTER BLOGS!!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Can we have a re do or something? Because it might be the men you chose to do the studies on. I think they chose lazy men and healthy body builder ladies.If you ask me i say DO OVER!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Shout out to all the the 8th graders in Massachusetts. It kinda makes me wish i went to middle school in Massachusetts so i could have the opportunity to have the best math and science education possible. Moreover, I'm grateful for my education though it wasn't the best it wasn't the worst. & I'm outieee!

Friday, October 18, 2013

the idea seems cool and all but are we seriously gonna be superheros in a real WAR?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Time out, so Facebook stepping they game up is that what your telling me? If so, oh well i dont get on it no more don't make me never mind.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

That's rather clever as i would say, but i'm a little confused because i thought computers were already at their full potential. So let me get this straight there making more complex computers w. different material and structure? Waste of time and energy but thats my opinion.

Monday, October 7, 2013

i wanna learn how to play chess.
A fast legged robot huh? Pretty darn clever a bit irrelevant but nevertheless clever.It would intrigueme if it went 100 mph.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Everyones affected ;(

Its day two of the shut down and federal websites as well as webcams at the zoo and twitter feeds are not being updated. Sheesh it must suck to work for the government, glad I don't because they'd be getting a piece of my mind! I don't understand the government sometimes. Politics ... bunch of scam artists and shady rich people. >o<